Pepin County is the latest partner for the University of Wisconsin–Madison’s UniverCity Year program, which brings faculty, students, and community members together to improve the sustainability, resilience, and general wellbeing of Wisconsin’s communities. Launched in …
Nick Weaver
Rep. Jodi Emerson and Rep. Staush Gruszynski visit Vet Med
Big thanks to Rep. Jodi Emerson and Rep. Staush Gruszynski to visiting the School of Veterinary Medicine to learn more about the proposed building expansion so we can serve more Wisconsin residents and their animals! …
Advocacy Guidance for UW Employees
General policies for UW employees: Per system policy, political campaign activities are restricted by Board of Regents policy and state law in three ways: 1) employees may not engage in political campaign activities, including solicitation …
Eight Wisconsin companies attend “reverse career fair” at innovative UW-Madison Makerspace
Engineering students at UW-Madison highlighted their prototypes and student projects to recruiters from Wisconsin companies – a new approach to the traditional career fair this one demonstrating hands-on applications of their skills gained at UW.
To expand exports, Wisconsin ginseng industry relies on UW-Madison expert
As ginseng growers in Wisconsin prepare to export fresh ginseng roots to Taiwan, they need assurance that the roots will not carry a harmful nematode that could infect Taiwan’s banana crop. Nematodes are a broad …
Mandela Barnes helps UW mark MLK Day
Mandela Barnes, who earlier this month became Wisconsin’s first African-American lieutenant governor, gave the keynote speech at this year’s campus celebration honoring Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.
UW-Madison establishes state’s first and only addiction hotline for providers
In what is believed to be a national first, the University of Wisconsin-Madison, in conjunction with UW Health, has established a new resource for Wisconsin primary-care physicians and other providers to help them successfully manage …
Blank Slate: Badger Alums in the New Governor’s Office
I attended the swearing-in ceremony at the State Capitol last week for new Governor Tony Evers, who has spent his career in education and holds bachelor and master’s degrees from UW-Madison as well as a …
Senators Marlkein and Erpenbach make visits to Vet Med
The Animals Need Heroes Too tours continue with both Sen. Mark Marklein and Sen. Jon Erpenbach touring the University of Wisconsin School of Veterinary Medicine with Dean Mark Markel. The tours are a part of …
UW–Madison engineering students design sustainable system for rural school in Green County
In the tiny unincorporated burg of Juda, Wisconsin — population 357 — there’s a clear community centerpiece. “If you want to know what the trick-or-treating hours are, you call the school,” says Scott Anderson, …