Legislative District Shapefiles
District shapefiles are provided by the Legislative Technology Services Bureau. Accessed 11.20.2019 via the LTSB Open Data Portal. https://data-ltsb.opendata.arcgis.com/
State legislator data from Wisconsin State Legislature website. Updated 11.20.2019. https://www.legis.wi.gov
U.S. Representative data taken from the U.S. House of Representatives website. Updated 11.20.2019. https://www.house.gov/representatives#state-wisconsin
Student Population
Those included in this population are UW-Madison students enrolled in the Fall 2019 term as of the tenth day of classes, September 17, 2019. They are resident students whose high schools of origin are in the state of Wisconsin.
Enrollment totals may differ from official UW-Madison enrollment totals depending on the query date and criteria. To protect the privacy of students, location of high school of origin is used to determine legislative districts, rather than a student’s home address. Students may cross legislative district lines to attend high school. Students may also have attended high school many years ago, and in some cases, under a previous legislative district map.
Financial Aid Information
FAFSAs included are those fully approved by OSFA and the Department of Education. Financial aid information is taken from students’ Financial Aid Notices (FANs), and may not reflect actual dollars dispersed at this point in the semester. Private loans, grants, and scholarships must be self-reported by each student. Students may not accept all loans available to them.
All data included in this dashboard are preliminary and unofficial. For final, official counts and totals of students and their financial aid packages, see the Office of Academic Planning and Institutional Research: https://apir.wisc.edu/data-digest/