Representative Billings takes a ‘before and after’ tour of university housing

Individuals in a group talking indoors

State Representative Jill Billings (D-La Crosse) and her staff made a visit to campus to tour Sellery and Witte Halls with University Housing leadership. Representative Billings is the chair of the Higher Education subcommittee on the State Building Commission.

Jeff Novak, director of University Housing led the tour through Witte Hall and Sellery Hall. Due to the similarities of the two residence halls, the tour highlighted the “before and after” of the newly-renovated Witte Hall and Sellery Hall, which was just enumerated for renovation in the 2019-21 Capital Budget.

Individuals in a group talking indoors
Jeff Novak, director of University Housing leads State Representative Jill Billings (D-La Crosse) and her staff on a tour of Witte and Sellery residence halls.
Four people standing listening to a man talk
The tour takes Representative Billings and her staff inside the newly remodeled Witte Hall.
Three women and a man are stangin in front of chairs and a coffee table
The tour takes Representative Billings and her staff inside the newly remodeled Witte Hall.